Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In Search of the Highland Wheeler

Did you know that Haliburton County has a phantom cyclist? Perhaps you have seen it! Find out more...is it fact or fantasy? Truth or fiction? Join local documentarian Jack Brezina as he searches the Highlands for the truth about the Highland Wheeler, and find out more about why the Haliburton Highlands are a great place to cycle!


The next installment of Jack's quest will be posted on July 9. Return to the Highland Wheeler channel throughout July to get updates on his progress!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Haliburton County wins national award!

We are pleased to announce that the County of Haliburton was a recipient of a Sustainable Communities award from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in the transportation category, for the Share the Road project they undertook last year. Partners in this project included the Health Unit, Cycling Coalition, Communities in Action Committee, OPP, U-Links and all four municipalities.

This is great recognition for Haliburton County, and acknowledges innovative efforts to apply concepts like transportation demand management, commuter challenge and share the road messaging in a rural environment.

Check this link for local coverage. http://mindentimes.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2604809
A full report on the project can be found on the U-Links website. http://www.haliburtoncooperative.on.ca/cgi-bin/db_search.cgi