Thursday, March 25, 2010

Green Paper on Bicycling in Ontario

The Ontario Share the Road Coalition has just released a Green Paper on Bicycling in Ontario, entitled "When Ontario Bikes, Ontario Benefits". You can see the paper at There are some great recommendations about what the province needs to do to make Ontario a more bike-friendly place. It's great to know that there is advocacy happening for cycling on a provincial level.

The second Ontario Bike Summit will be held in Burlington, September 20-21.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cycling Updates

The second Minden 150 Bike Tour is scheduled for Saturday, August 14, 2010, hosted by the Township of Minden Hills. This year there will be online registration, and once again various tour options from the challenging 150 km, to a family friendly distance (to be determined).

In other local cycling news, Sue Shikaze and Kate Hall presented at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Sustainable Communities conference in Ottawa on February 12. They highlighted cycling and active transportation initiatives and successes, which include things like the Cycling Master Plan, paving of road shoulders and the Share the Road campaign. Last year's extensive Share the Road project has been attracting lots of attention throughout the province. Sue will be speaking with some people in Wasaga Beach who are interested in doing something similar, and has also been asked to speak about the project in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Haliburton County is "on the map" for cycling!